Peak performance. Lower costs. Greater stability.
Capabilities & Services

Extensive experience. High quality, efficient design.
ISG has extensive experience with industrial cooling water systems, including tower water and chilled water in both open and closed systems.

Industries we work with
Since 1997, ISG staff have served a broad cross section of industry including:
Injection molded, extruded, blown and thermally expanded plastics
Natural and synthetic textiles
Glass, metal, paper and plastic packaging and containers
Forest-sourced and mineral (gypsum) building products
Natural and synthetic rubber
Processed minerals and mineral products
Fabricated metal products
ISG engineers have over 50 years of combined experience in manufacturing operations, and have performed efficiency engineering studies in hundreds of plants. Services are provided directly by ISG staff, providing the highest quality results at very competitive rates. ISG staff include registered professional engineers, certified energy managers (CEM) and other experienced energy and design professionals.

Core Capabilities
System Surveys & Operational Analyses
Projects Design & Support
System Controls & Start-up Commissioning
Rebate Application Assistance
System Expansion
Equipment Purchase Support
Water System Training

Other Services

"ISG exceeded expectations for both metrics, Annual Cost Savings and kWh Reduction, and the project was kept within original cost estimates."
Plant Engineer
"I was impressed with the final results and the ease of use, training and support for our control systems."
Engineering Manager
"ISG has proven to be a true business partner willing to go the extra mile to not just meet, but to surpass our expected return on investment."
Strategic Engineering Manager

“The new systems are doing great. The plant seems to have settled down and the lines are running great. We’re all really pleased.”
Maintenance Supervisor
“Thanks, your actions
saved the plant today.”
Plant Manager
"ISG has proven to be a true business partner willing to go the extra mile to not just meet, but to surpass our expected return on investment."